KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action

International Peace Worker based in Kathmandu, Nepal

The Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent ActionKURVE Wustrow was founded in 1980 with the aim of turning concerns about violent conflict, environmental degradation and social injustice into conscious nonviolent action.

KURVE Wustrow conducts trainings, workshops and events in the field of civil, nonviolent conflict transformation at home and abroad. In the context of the “Civil Peace Service” (CPS), we are closely cooperating with partner organisations in the Balkans, Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East, and in South and Southeast Asia. The work of International Peace Workers in the partner organisations is an integral part of this cooperation. Further focal points of our work include our commitment to climate and resource protection and against nuclear energy.

For our Nepal-CPS-program

Dealing with the Past, inclusion of marginalised groups, nonviolent conflict transformation methods

together with our partner organisationswe are looking for an

International Peace Worker based in Kathmandu, Nepal

Field of activity: 

As an International Peace Worker you will be supporting the partner organisations in the field of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) through following activities:

  • Supporting partners in their reflection on progresses in people-driven nonviolent change processes, systematic assessment of outcomes, and improvement or introduction of appropriate, easy to handle instruments for participatory planning, monitoring and internal evaluation as well as learning processes
  • Designing and conducting workshops in the field of PMEL for project teams
  • Supporting conceptualisation, creation and quality assurance of internal and external studies, surveys and evaluations, 
  • Designing on-the-job capacity development in proposal and report writing for project staff
  • While being involved in longer work processes, integration in team(s) of the involved partner organisation(s), participation in internal processes of the organisation(s) which are of relevance for the specific project work
  • Ascertaining accurate financial transactions and supporting financial monitoring and reporting in regular communication with the KURVE Wustrow main office.

Depending on needs of the partner organisations and skills and interests of the applicant other working areas may be supported e.g.:

  • Coordinating and supporting capacity development in nonviolent conflict transformation
  • Supporting conflict- and security analysis of the CPS-coordinators, close collaboration with other Peace Workers 
  • If needed, supporting networking, solidarity activities and public relations work in Germany.


  • Relevant degree or training courses in peace and conflict studies, social sciences, international development, project management, monitoring and evaluation or similar field
  • Experience with planning and implementing projects, PMEL methodologies and tools 
  • Experience in conducting workshops and supporting capacity development 
  • Experience in conducting participatory surveys, evaluation of data, good skills in research methodologies and analytical report writing 
  • Work experience within NGOs and/ or activist groups, preferably in international and (post-) conflict context 
  • Productive outsider status in Nepal on the basis of origin or citizenship, as the quality of nonviolent change processes thrives from this added value in international teams
  • Context knowledge and work experience in Nepal or South Asia are an asset
  • Experience in the thematic working areas of the partner organisations: nonviolent conflict resolution, woman rights, minority rights and Dealing with the Past are an asset 
  • Team player with intercultural competences, experience with participatory approaches and the ability for self-reflection
  • A high degree of flexibility, resilience and organisational skills as well as respect for cultural diversity
  • Willingness to travel and stay in remote areas with basic facilities
  • Professional command of English. Willingness to learn Nepali. Knowledge of Nepali is an asset.

We particularly invite people to apply who are structurally discriminated on different levels.

Contractual conditions:

We offer a contract in accordance with the German law for development aid workers (only for EU-citizens) or a contract in alignment with the German law for development aid workers for citizens from other countries until 31 December, 2026 (under the condition that the project will be prolonged by the BMZ after the end of 2024), including a three months preparation period in Germany expected to commence on 1st February 2024.

The conditions of the German law for development aid workers precludes the application and deployment of citizens of the deployment country.

Application procedure:
For your application (in English) please use our ONLINE-application form by using the following code Nepal_IPW_PME until 31 October 2023.

LINK: https://www.kurvewustrow.org/stellenausschreibungen-im-zfd

Please notice: 

The job interview will take place in Wustrow (Wendland, Lower Saxony, Germany) on 23 November 2023 (or eventually online). On 30 November there will be second interview with the two strongest candidates and representatives from the partner organisations (online).

KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action