31. Mai 2023

Digital peacebuilding and intersectional feminism

Launch event of the report "Sealing the cracks"

How can we ensure that digital peacebuilding projects do not reinforce existing inequalities? How can a feminist lens to their approach and activities be ensured? What do we need to keep in mind during their implementation?

There are numerous researchers and practitioners who explore how including intersectional feminist perspectives delivers more impactful results in peacebuilding processes. Other scholars investigate how gender-sensitive and feminist approaches need to be applied to digital technologies in order to reduce the risk of reproducing biases or even doing harm. The report “Sealing the cracks. An intersectional feminist perspective on digital peacebuilding” explores how these two perspectives intersect in digital peacebuilding.

At this launch event, we will discuss these topics with a panel of peace practitioners, policymakers and researchers. We will also investigate how our research findings can contribute to Germany’s new feminist foreign and development policies.

Welcome remarks by Ginger Schmitz, Managing Director, Platform for Peaceful Conflict Transformation

Panel discussion with:

  • Harriet Adong, Executive Director, Foundation for Integrated Rural Development Uganda (FIRD)
  • Nadine Alidib, Regional Musawat Project Lead & Coordinator, Pax for Peace (PAX)
  • Jennifer Menninger, Managing Director, Women´s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Germany

Mira el Mawla, co-author of the study and MENA Programmes Lead at Build Up, will present the main findings.  

Moderated by Beatrix Austin, Head of Conflict Transformation Research Department, Berghof Foundation