30. Mai 2024 – 07. Juni 2024

Digital Security

Participants are able to

  • identify and respond to emerging risks to the sensitive information they manage in their work;
  • maintain and improve the basic security of their digital devices and accounts;
  • in accordance with their necessities, understand and implement advanced tools to protect their data storage and communication.

This training will create awareness and support capacity-building which is relevant to the digital security of the participants. Peace activists will be enabled to do the risk self-assessment related to their own information management. They will gain insights into personal and organisational strategies on digital security concerning computers, internet and mobile/smart phones.

Participants will learn about secure behaviours and tools to use for maintenance of devices, safer storage and recovery of sensitive information, and more secure communication.

Veranstaltungsort: KURVE Wustrow e.V. Wendland

Deadline: 12. March 2024
