Knowledge for a complex world

Rethinking the roles of peace research and peace education
Climate change, the global pandemic, and protracted violent conflicts stress the need to rethink the ways of providing peace and security. While politicians are asked to react to these complex challenges, there is a great necessity to critically evaluate knowledge production and dissemination on conflict-related topics: What is the role of peace education and peace research for politics and society? How can we adapt established ways of teaching and learning peace? And how can peace and security research contribute to a better understanding of the root causes of conflict and identify ways towards more peaceful societies?
In this online panel discussion, peace education experts and peace researchers will initiate a dialogue on how both disciplines can find joint ways to cope with these new challenges. While using different methods, both peace education and peace research share a common interest: They work to develop ways to address conflicts and insecurities. This event will focus on strategies to bridge the often-observed gap between scholarly analysis and real-world practice. At a time when challenges to peace and security are becoming increasingly complex and entangled, this seems an ever more pressing necessity.