27. Oktober 2022

Observing and monitoring mechanisms in conflict de-escalation

Creative approaches, best practices and lessons learned

Third parties can play an important role in limiting violence in armed conflicts. Even if their intervention may not necessarily end a conflict, they can contribute to preventing further escalation and support de-escalation of violence. In this regard, third-party mechanisms can be particularly beneficial amid the preparation and monitoring of cessations of hostilities or ceasefires. Mechanisms of (third-party) monitors, guarantors or observers are oftentimes contemplated to ensure the credibility of the agreement and deter future violence. By contributing to the dissemination of credible information and assisting in de-escalation, such mechanisms can allow for a secure space to build trust for further negotiations to take place.  

At the event, international experts will address the question of approaches to support conflict parties in finding mutually acceptable strategies of de-escalation. They will also discuss the roles and added value of different entities in this phase, as well as creative and innovative designs of monitoring and observation mechanisms. The event will outline lessons learned and best practices of conflict de-escalation through observation and monitoring mechanisms, and it will emphasise benefits and challenges of inclusive arrangements, as well as opportunities and risks for technological innovations.

Welcome remarks by Andrew Gilmour, Executive Director, Berghof Foundation.


  • Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
  • Shadia Marhaban, Mediator and Regional Peace Leader, Former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Negotiator, Indonesia, Aceh
  • Teresa Whitfield, Independent consultant, former Director of UNDPPA’s Policy and Mediation Division
  • Aly Verjee, Fellow of the Rift Valley Institute, Non-Resident Senior Advisor to the Africa Center at the United States Institute of Peace

Moderated by Véronique Dudouet, Senior Research Advisor, Conflict Transformation Research Department, Berghof Foundation.
