27. Oktober 2005

Environment, Conflict and Cooperation

A new clearing house on environment, conflict, and cooperation has just been launched. Additionally, a newsletter will be published every two months with a selection of news from the website. The first edition of the newsletter is now available.

A new clearing house on environment, conflict, and cooperation has just been launched. Additionally, a newsletter will be published every two months with a selection of news from the website. The first edition of the newsletter is now available.
The ‘Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation’ platform provides information on the way in which environmental degradation and resource scarcity lead to conflicts and new security threats, but also how environmental cooperation and sustainable development can contribute to peace and stability. It aims to foster exchange and networks on this topic among stakeholders from the development, economic, environment, foreign, and security communities worldwide, by providing information on initiatives, best practices, literature, experts, and institutions, and events of importance to the topic.
The ‘ECC platform’ builds on the successful experience of a German information portal on this topic (, which has been running for a year. Due to the international dimension of the topic and increased interest by other national and multilateral donor institutions and implementing organizations, Adelphi Research has joined force with Germanwatch to publish this new international and English language version. We plan to gradually expand the platform by adding regional portals, which will be created locally together with other partner organizations. Our objective is to strengthen networking among relevant stakeholders across the globe.