8. Mai 2007

New Tactics Partnership Grant Information and Application

(Extract from the announcing letter)
Greetings from the New Tactics in Human Rights Project! We encourage your organization to apply for one of SIX partnership grants that the New Tactics project has available. The maximum grant amount is USD 7,500.

(Extract from the announcing letter)
Greetings from the New Tactics in Human Rights Project! We encourage your organization to apply for one of SIX partnership grants that the New Tactics project has available. The maximum grant amount is USD 7,500.
These funds have been made possible from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as a result of the successful New Tactics proposal: Promoting Tactical Innovation and Strategic Thinking in the Global Human Rights Movement. These funds are intended to enable human rights activists to access and utilize practical information on a wide range of tactical ideas and options in order to improve strategies to advance human rights. Human rights organizations and practitioners will have an opportunity to benefit from New Tactics materials, tools and resources on tactical and strategic thinking to both apply and share experiences of using strategic thinking and innovative tactics for advancing their efforts. Partnership grantees will be able to share their experiences with other grantees and the broader network, through both traditional and new technology methods. (NOTE: Eligible costs for such dissemination include staff, communication costs, translation, printing/photocopying, and other relevant project expenses.)
We are providing a detailed Request for Proposals (RFP) that is due at the New Tactics office by May 22, 2007. We are excited to get your proposal for how New Tactics materials and resources can help to further your efforts. Please note, we are only able to accept applications for proposals that directly apply and share New Tactics project concepts and materials with a broader audience. For example, such ideas can include:
- Translation and distribution of New Tactics materials (tactical notebooks, tools, website excerpts, etc): Featuring plans to facilitate training on identifying and adapting new tactics to strengthen human rights work for specific local, national and cross-border issues.
- Creation of New Tactics website content: Featuring materials and discussions in cross-border languages (e.g, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French) to facilitate accessibility of ideas and tactical examples for adapting to regional issues.
- Use of tactical mapping or other project tools: Featuring plans that use the tools to design and manage collaborative campaigns to apply multiple tactics towards a single key rights-related campaign.
Please complete the application form below and submit by Tuesday, May 22, 2007. Please note that all activities must be completed by March 15, 2008. You will be notified if you are chosen to receive a grant by June 15, 2007.
In making selections, the New Tactics Project will favor activities that demonstrate clear goals, reach a significant audience, and explain how the organization intends to apply New Tactics project materials, tools and resources to an issue or situation the organization is addressing. Be as specific as possible regarding the activities you are proposing and use the specific format indicated in the attached application form. The budget should reflect realistic costs related to the goals of the activity.
You may be interested to read about the 2006 NED grant recipients on the New Tactics website (Link: This letter, the Request for Proposals, and the Application Form can also be found online. (Link:
