
Make the Worldwide Peace Building Visible

Documentation of the Event in Bonn on September 21st, 2007

The German Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management together with eleven other organizations invited to the event "Make the Worldwide Peace Building Visible" in Bonn. The occasion was the International Day of Peace, which was celebrated on September 21st with information, music and workshops. To make peacebuilding worldwide visible, the organizers had invited international peacebuilders like Bosiljka Schedlich (Südost Europa Kultur e.V.), Florence Mpaayei (Nairobi Peace Initiative Africa, Kenya) and Guiamel M. Alim (Kadtuntaya Foundation, Philippines). Moreover, the group of artists "Peace in Action" presented an interactive exhibition called "Hot Peaces" consisting of a sound collage, photos and "Slogans to pick" and other material.

It was the first time that the UN-Day of Peace has been celebrated with support from the city of Bonn.

Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung