Kristina Birke Daniels, Viviana Garcia Pinzon, Sabine Kurtenbach

Pandemic, Protest, and Petro Presidente: Rescuing Colombia’s Peace

GIGA Focus Latin America

Colombia elected a new progressive government on 19 June. While the COVID-19 pandemic did not play a direct role in the campaign, it has deepened both structural problems as well as pre-pandemic trends such as high levels of social inequality, citizen distrust regarding state institutions, and increasing violence in certain regions of the country.

While these social disparities led to a call for change by different groups, reducing violence will be a key policy test for the new government, write Kristina Birke Daniels, Viviana Garcia Pinzon and Sabine Kurtenbach in this GIGA Focus Report.

Kristina Birke Daniels, Viviana Garcia Pinzon, Sabine Kurtenbach
German Institute for Global and Area Studies | Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien