
Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday

A Toolkit

Feminist perspectives and voices in international politics on issues relating to foreign policy, international security and war are growing louder as a source and site of discursive political action and policy transformation. In contribution to there sites of political action and transformation, WILPF Germany launched a toolkit on feminist foreign policy.

The Toolkit presented here is not a collection of legal frameworks or policy instruments, nor is it a set of specific recommendations on how to facilitate legal change or how to write a policy proposal. Rather, it serves to inspire the creation of feminist- inspired policy-making that can be filled by a variety of voices, experiences and actors. This does not mean that we are presenting a hollow shell, instead it is our aim to bring forward a value-based framework to change mindsets and enable a feminist approach to foreign policy that works to support different contexts. Our toolkit begins by outlining five core values that function as a guide instead of prescribing a feminist foreign policy. It then reviews relevant policy fields and presents a framework on how the proposed core values can be implemented. Finally, it provides a set of practical guiding questions – what we propose as a checklist for all foreign policy actors – that can be used to frame and assist in everyday practices of policy and decision making.

WILPF Deutschland und Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung