03. – 07. April 2023
Fortbildung & Training

Designing Peacebuilding Projects

Thematic Training for peace and conflict work

© Dassel, Prague CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.de

Who can register for this training?

The 5-day thematic trainingis offered to practitioners of peace and conflict work, as well as those who intend to work in the field.


During this thematic training, participants will be introduced to key terms from the wider field of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and learning in the context of conflict transformation and peacebuilding. They will explore the underlying concepts and learn how to design, plan, implement and monitor peacebuilding projects and programs. By the end of this 5-day training, the participants will have developed conflict transformation & conflict sensitive peacebuilding programming skills, and are able to plan peacebuilding projects according to the RPP Matrix and apply the Do No Harm Framework.


The training aims to strengthen the skills of practitioners by building their capacity to plan a comprehensive peacebuilding project design and conduct the monitoring and evaluation of conflict sensitive peacebuilding and conflict transformation projects and strategies. At the same time, the training will deepen their existing skills in self-reflection and creative thinking through a number of multi-purpose exercises.

Key Topics

  • Planning for conflict transformation: getting to know the project cycle, project design process and proposal language
  • Applying the Reflecting on Peace Practice (RPP) Matrix to project examples from the participants' work context
  • Understanding Conflict Sensitivity and Applying the Do No Harm framework to their projects
  • Exploring different Monitoring and Evaluation tools


The training will be practical, participatory and experience-based; the insights, existing skills and knowledge of both the facilitator and the participants will form an integral part of the process. It will be grounded in the principles of adult learning. The tools and methodologies used in the training will be practiced and applied to conflict contexts and projects the participants suggest and are familiar with (or that are their own contexts). Participants will be encouraged to adapt and change the tools to make them their own.