15. – 23. April 2021

Responsible Business Conduct: Triggers & Trends

SwissPeace Course

New to ESG, CSR, UNGPs, GRI, LTO, VPs, and all of that? In this introductory course, participants explore the responsibilities of businesses for the impacts they are having on the environment, on people, on local communities, and on the societies in which they work. The course explores the conflicts and incidents that have triggered the concepts behind the various acronyms used. Participants learn about the trends that are shaping international and national debates on responsible business conduct.

The course compares the various multi-stakeholder and multilateral initiatives that have called for companies to “do-no-harm”. Participants take a closer look at the principles, standards, and guidelines that have been developed to prevent negative and, where possible, leverage positive impacts. The course focuses specifically on the role and responsibilities of businesses in low-income and fragile contexts and discusses if and how companies can contribute to preventing conflicts and possibly even support peacebuilding efforts.

28 February 2021

950 CHF