14. – 18. Oktober 2024

Facilitation and Training Skills

Participants are able

  • to assess their own strengths and weaknesses as a facilitator of trainings for adults;
  • to better design trainings that are based on key principles of adult learning and the concept of Action Learning.

Facilitation skills are essential for everyone who wants to work with people and support communication processes. Training is a very sophisticated form of communication and is aimed at facilitating learning.

Participants will gain an overview of learning theories, principles of adult learning and a selection of training concepts like Action Learning and Comfort Zones. Moreover, the design of this training will be critically reflected in order to assist participants in designing and conducting trainings themselves.

Additionally participants will get an opportunity to demonstrate their skills as a facilitator including a video recording for self-reflection and if requested with feedback from trainers.


  • 14.-18.10.2024 in presence

Deadline: 23. June 2024 (for people with Visa) and 18. August 2024 (no Visa)

Veranstaltungsort: KURVE Wustrow e.V. Wendland

Practitioner Trainings: Currently, we offer a series of eight practitioner trainings in September until November 2024, which can be booked individually or in combination.